Exhibitor Interview: Black Swan Graphene

Black Swan Graphene, a leader in graphene technology, will be exhibiting at the Plastics Extrusion World Expo this September. We caught up with them to discuss their latest advancements, industry insights, and what attendees can expect at their stand.

Can you provide a brief overview of your company and the products/services you'll be showcasing at the event?

Black Swan Graphene is focused on the large-scale production and commercialisation of patented high-performance and low-cost graphene products aimed at several industrial sectors, predominantly concrete and polymers, which are expected to require large volumes of graphene.

Leveraging innovative technology developed by Thomas Swan & Co. Ltd, a pioneer in graphene development, and acquired by Black Swan in 2021, we are uniquely positioned to reduce costs and rapidly deploy graphene technologies where they are needed most. Now having scaled-up our graphene nanoplatelet (GNP) technology we are offering this in a form that is non-disruptive to the industry.

Our Graphene Enhanced Masterbatches (GEMs) are available for purchase today, providing an accessible and immediate solution for enhancing the efficiency and sustainability of large-scale industrial applications. We are in volume production of multiple GEMs for use in polymer applications, manufactured in partnership with Hubron International Limited and Broadway Colours Limited.


What recent trends or developments in the industry are you most excited about, and how do your products/services align with them?

CO2 emission reduction and sustainability in general is helped using our GEMs. In many cases, there is a lightweighting benefit using small amounts of GNP strengthening the base polymer allowing the use of less polymer overall. A prime example would be lightweighting in electric vehicles which improves range.

Further, recycled polymers can be strengthened, through small additions of GNP, typically less than 1%, allowing them to be used in recycled packaging applications and consumer packaging in general.

Finally, we are working with our partner Farrag Packaging on a graphene-enhanced PLA solution enhancing the barrier properties of this compostable polymer gives it a unique position for use in consumer applications. This combination is showing encouraging results for pressurised containers which require both internal pressure and heat resistance. Typically ,adding 1% of graphene can enhance these critical parameters by almost 18%, potentially replacing a tinplate or aluminium can with a pack that is compostable within 180 days of entering a waste landfill site.


Could you share a success story or case study demonstrating how your products/services have benefited a customer?

Using a small loading of GNP let-down from a GEM we were able to substantially lower the weight of an inflatable application in Polyurethane. In this particular case, the product has now been trialled at industrial scale at both the masterbatch manufacturer and compounded at the extruded sheet partner to demonstrate the product in final application.

Using around 1% GNP in this case, we were able to reduce the thickness of the product by more than 20%, maintaining the original strength and elongation required to meet their customer’s stringent KPIs.

As you can imagine, the transference of this case study into multiple automotive-application areas provides an exciting opportunity for light-weighting in general.


Will you be conducting any demonstrations or interactive activities at the event? If so, what can attendees expect?

With this new area in polymers, and the original hype created in the early years of graphene introduction, we are moving swiftly but carefully into the market. Our approach of delivering dispersible solutions using our GraphCore-based GEMs in Masterbatch form demonstrates their readiness for adoption, thereby allowing all users to access the technology in a form that their supply chain is used to and to carry-out trials at their pace and inexpensively. Consequently, we would like to hear more about the challenges and targets of those new prospective clients to see how we can support.

We will have a few samples to show on the stand, including the TPU mentioned above, some 100% Ocean-recycled PET-created consumer bottle examples, some graphene-enhanced PP fibre and some early versions of the 1%-loaded PLA film.


What are your company's goals for the future, and how do you see yourselves contributing to the evolving industry landscape?

Black Swan plans to be the major supplier of “bulk graphene” into the polymer industry. Today we are producing 40t of product, and with a modularly scalable, patented and proven process we have carried out a scoping study to construct a multiple-thousand-ton facility in Canada.

Choosing to supply in this form we are making graphene accessible to all scales of companies in the industry to trial and test its suitability. From small industrial users to large-scale automotive and construction manufacturers, there are enhancements to be made.

Offering solutions in the sustainable application areas allows the adoption of recycled and bio-based compostable solutions as we continue to battle with the challenge of our global climate and economy.


What are you most looking forward to at this year’s show?

With the introduction of our Graphene Enhanced Masterbatches in force this year, we are of course hoping to connect with as many early adopters of the graphene technology as possible. With GEMs in HDPE, PP, PET, PA6, PA66 and TPU there has to be something for everyone, but we are also able to provide a custom version if your application warrants it. 

We are delighted to be sponsoring the Networking Event on the Tuesday evening in Brussels, so obviously this will be a highlight event for us. Looking forward to meeting as many attendees as possible and having a great time.

Black Swan Graphene will be exhibiting at the Plastics Extrusion World Expo. Visit them at stand E1128.